The International Program at CMMU aims to develop organizational leaders with up-to-date knowledge and skills in management to deal with dynamic global changes through a combination of relevant research and practical learning.


The internationalization of business requires a new type of manager. These professionals need strong English communication skills and the ability to demonstrate that they are sensitive to cultures other than their own. The International Program at CMMU aims to produce students who are more self-confident to work in a complex global business world.

Three things that make our program the leading Master in Management in Thailand:

Truly International

We design our curriculum to fit the needs of companies that compete in a dynamic global economy. All our faculty members have an international education background and professional experience. To enrich our students’ international exposure we encourage them to spend one term with our partners, some of the top Asian and European Universities.

Practical Learning Experience in small classes

We engage our students with our small classes, using problem based learning, case studies and both international and local examples. Students are also encouraged to participate in business plan or case competitions.

Flexibility of Study Time

Around 80% of our students work. Flexibility is a key factor for their studies, so we provide classes on weekends during daytime or weekday evenings.
Since 1998 we have welcomed more than 4,000 managers and entrepreneurs in our Master in Management, and accelerated their careers in the best companies in Asia. Feedback from our students suggests that they appreciated the flexibility of our program, its international exposure and the practical knowledge we provide.

Join the leading Master in Management in Thailand. Share your learning experience with other participants and expand your professional network.

Master of Management
International Program?



  • 662 206 2000 ext. 3102 or 3104
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Rapeepat Kittipornnont
Product Specialist
Johnson & Johnson
Janie Ratipan
Online Study @ CMMU
Georg Hoffmann
Exchange student
Ruhr University Bochum
Ratchanee Wongvitayakoon

    Plan A: Thesis PlanPlan B: Thematic Plan
    1. Pre-Courses No Credit No Credit
    2. Required Courses 21 Credits
    (3 credits each)
    21 Credits
    (3 credits each)
    • Strategic Marketing Management
    • Financial Management
    • Asian Economy in the Global Context
    • Managing People in Organizations
    • Managing Business Information and Emerging Technologies
    • Strategic Management
    • Decision Skills (for thematic paper track only)
    • Business and Management Research (for thesis track only)
    3. Elective Courses 9 Credits
    6 Elective courses
    (3 credits each)
    18 Credits
    12 Elective courses
    (3 credits each)
    4. Thesis15 Credits-
    5. Thematic Paper-6 Credits
    (1.5 credits each)
    Total Credit45 Credits45 Credits

    Graduated with Bachelor Degree Yes
    English Examination Score
    gained within the last 2 years
    CMMU English Exam or TOEFL ITP 520 or
    Submit IELTS 5.0

    Prior Work Experience

    Valued in all programs,
    but not required

    ***Exemption for English Examination only for English native speaker and Student who graduated from US, UK, AUS, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa and Singapore


    Students who have satisfied the general requirements for admission or successfully transferred from Conditional Status will be admitted as Graduate Students. Successful completion of the Master's Program requires students to meet quality standards set by the College.
    1. *Students must maintain status as active students during each trimester of study until graduation. Active status requires registration for a minimum of three (3) credit hours in a trimester.
    2. Students must earn an overall GPA of at least 3.0 in their Master's degree program.
    3. Students must pass a Written Comprehensive Examination to demonstrate their mastery of core material in the CMMU management curriculum.
    4. All students must demonstrate English proficiency prior to graduation: TOEFL ITP score of 520 which Is equivalent to TOEFL IBT 68, IELTS 5.0, or MU GRAD TEST 70.


Item Precourse Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Total
1. Matriculation - 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 175,000
2. Entrance Fee 38,000 - - - - - 38,000
3. Tuition Fee1 - 43,200 43,200 43,200 43,200 43,200 216,200
Total Expenses 38,000 78,200 78,200 78,200 78,200 78,200 429,000

1. All students are required to achieve at least 45 credits. The fee (excludes textbooks) of 216,000 THB (4,800 THB/credit x 45 credits) charged for the Master of Management (International Program) is considered a "total program fee".

Download Fee Structure Document

Note: This information will be changed without further notice. Please keep in contact with Academic Affairs to confirm this document


What Our Students Say About Our Double Degree Program

Double Degree Options

Macquarie University Australia

Dual Degree Option
Master of Commerce
For every program except the Healthcare and Wellness Management Specialization (HWM)
Students have the opportunity to study 3 terms at CMMU and then continue their studies at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia for 1 year. They will receive a Master of Management from CMMU and a Master of Commerce with a specialization in Business Management and Organizations from Macquarie University. A scholarship of 10,000 AUD is available from Macquarie University for this program for students from ASEAN countries.

English Requirement:
TOEFL ITP 580 or IELTS 6.5
Study Period:
CMMU 3 Terms and 1 year at Macquarie University (start in February or July)
Defend thematic paper after returning to CMMU in order to graduate from CMMU
Degrees Granted:
Master of Management & Master of Commerce
Tuition Fee
  • 1st Degree 429,000 Thai Baht
  • 2nd Degree 39,200 Australian Dollars (minus 10,000 AUD scholarship)

University of Technology Sydney Australia

Dual Degree Option
Masters in Marketing
Only for the Marketing and Management Specialization (MM)
Qualified students in the Marketing and Management (MM) program have the opportunity to study at UTS in Sydney, Australia, which is one of the world's leading international business schools. CMMU MM program students can earn a second Master’s degree (Master of Marketing) by studying at UTS for at least one term and taking at least 4 courses in the Master of Marketing Program at UTS. Students are required to take at least four more subjects at UTS, depending on whether they took recommended courses at CMMU to waive required courses.

English Requirement:
None, having studied the CMMU degree in English.
Study Period:
Study 5 terms first at CMMU (Complete all courses at CMMU)
Study 1 term at UTS (February intake / July intake)
Successful completion of any 8 required subjects at CMMU for RPL
Degrees Granted:
Master of Management from CMMU
Master of Marketing from University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
(GPA 3.5/4.0) Tuition fee with 35% tuition fee scholarship and a 25% tuition fee scholarship for those with (GPA 3.0/3.49)
Tuition Fee
  • 1st Degree 429,000 Thai Baht
  • 2nd Degree 22,230 Australian Dollars (Full tuition fee 2022)

Toulouse School of Management France

Double Degree Options
Master in International Management
Only for General Management Specialization (GM)
Two of the leading academic institutions in their respective countries, College of Management, Mahidol University and Toulouse School of Management (France) have joined forces to offer students a double degree program since 2014. The program (in English) enables students from the two prestigious institutions to pursue complementary studies in General Management and International Management in order to receive both a Master of Management from Mahidol University and a Master of International Management from the University of Toulouse.

English Requirement:
TOEFL ITP 580 or IELTS 6.5
Study Period:
3 terms at CMMU and 2 terms at Toulouse School of Management (start in September)
Defend thematic paper after returning to CMMU in order to graduate from CMMU
Degrees Granted:
Master of Management and Master in International Management
Tuition Fee
  • 1st Degree 429,000 Thai Baht
  • 2nd Degree None


Why choose the Master of Management International Program at CMMU?
  • We keep class size small to allow for interaction and practical learning activities
  • We offer flexible study times (evenings and weekends)
  • We provide study abroad opportunities at more than 30 partner universities worldwide
  • We offer double degree and dual degree options in France and Australia
What are the advantages of studying in the Master of Management International Program at CMMU?

In a nutshell:

  • Practice English, the global language of business, science and culture, while studying business. Five semesters of everyday exposure means, your English ability will improve quickly.
  • Improve your job opportunities with multinational companies. It is increasingly common for MNCs to replace expats with locals. A diploma from the International Program signals that you have an international mindset and English proficiency.
  • Improve your job opportunities with Thai companies seeking to expand abroad.
  • Share classes and make friends with our many exchange students. In many of the elective courses, a third of the students are from abroad, leading to a stimulating, multi-cultural classroom environment.
  • Have the experience of a lifetime studying abroad for one or two semesters at one of our nearly 40 partner schools around the world.
  • Earn a dual degree with our affiliated schools: With one or two semesters abroad, you can earn a second Master’s degree from three prestigious universities: UTS (Australia), Macquarie University (Australia), and Toulouse University (France).
  • Have a chance to attend a business project competition with our company partners such as Unilever and have an opportunity to work with them as a management trainee.
  • Our international team of faculty members come from a variety of countries such as Austria, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Thailand and the U.S. They have PhD degrees from well-known universities in Europe, the US and Australia, and actively publish in high-quality journals. Many have also taught at foreign universities and have industry experience.
  • For those of you considering further studies or working abroad in the future, having a diploma from an English-language program improves your chance of admission.
I intend to work for a Thai company serving mainly the Thai market after graduation. Do I lose anything in terms of learning how to do business in Thailand if I study in the International Program?

No. Even though the language of instruction is English, our faculty use a mix of local and international examples. Using Thai examples can be useful to make the class topics more relevant. It should be said, however, that most of the frameworks, theories and best practices of business are universal. Our primary goal is to change the way you think and how you approach business problems, not to teach you details of the local market. There are also situations where international examples are preferable, for instance, to illustrate cutting edge management thinking from innovative companies around the world.

I’m not sure if my English is good enough. Will I have a problem doing the course work?
As part of our admissions process, you will take a language test and also come for a face to face admissions interview. We are not looking for perfect English but we want to ensure that English will not be an obstacle to your successful completion of the program. If we think that your level of English is not sufficient we will recommend that you take English classes.
Which should I choose: CI, IS, CP/Thematic Paper or Thesis?
Independent Study (IS)
Can be a study of a specific company or case, or it can be broader, such as exploring a business opportunity or trying to understand motivations or satisfaction.
Each of these options (CP, CI, IS) add up to six credits, whereas a thesis is 15 credits, and is expected to be a more comprehensive project.

A thesis requires a literature review of past relevant work, and then original research is conducted by the student and presented to an academic committee. Anyone potentially interested in Ph.D. study should consider either the IS or thesis option. Students with a full scholarship are required to write a thesis.
When can I consider going on exchange at one of CMMU’s partner universities?
Students should pass the comprehensive exam before they consider going on an exchange program. The best time for exchange would be term 4 or term 5.
My job does not allow me to go on exchange abroad for a full term. Are there any short-term exchange opportunities?
Yes. Several of our partner universities offer short-term exchange opportunities for one week, or two weeks, or 1 month. CMMU also offers an international study trip as part of a CP Course on International Business
Why a double degree?
  1. Earn two degrees.
  2. Get a competitive edge and a better job when you graduate
  3. Obtain two degrees in only 5 terms (depending on the institution)
  4. Study in an international environment that will provide you the soft skills you need to boost your career
  5. Enjoy studying and living in a different environment.


10th Floor MU Building 69 Vipawadee Rangsit Road Samsennai, Phayathai District, Bangkok, Thailand 10400
  • 662 206 2000 ext. 3209 or 3211
  • Line Official: @cmmu
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a world-leading university in the center of Bangkok.

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69 Vipawadee Rangsit Road
Samsennai, Phayathai District,
Bangkok, Thailand 10400
Tel: 662 206 2000
  • 662 206 2000 ext. 3102 or 3104
  • Line Official: @cmmu
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